Featured Tutors
Amanda T.
Algebra, Math
Loves tutoring because:
“I enjoy helping students to reach their full potential and to feel more confident in their educational goals.”
Bachelors in Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences from University of Florida. I have worked in after school programs at numerous elementary schools and as a college and career specialist at the high school level.
For fun:
Boxing, Reading
Bejoy T.
Algebra, Algebra 2, Geometry, Mid-Level Math
Loves tutoring because:
“I love math, and have enjoyed teaching it to students who need help. I understand that math can be complicated, and it is not something you get right away. I believe with practice and skill one can be better able to understand it. I know this because I also grew up not liking math but, ironically, ended up teaching it. I believe we need to be patient and understand what the student is good at and where the student struggles in order to effectively teach math to students. Relating math to real life examples can make it more interesting and fun for students.”
Bachelors in Biology/Biological Sciences from Fordham University. I've just gotten my NYS teaching certification for teaching adolescent math (grades 7-12).
For fun:
American football, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Chess, Coin collecting, College football, Cricket, Driving, Football, Gaming, Hiking, Soccer, Sports, Stamp collecting, Traveling, Watching Movies
Michael M.
Calculus, Physics, Statistics
Loves tutoring because:
“I get to interact with so many curious and motivated students on a daily basis. In the outside world, people's eyes tend to glaze over when you try to start a conversation about math, physics, or statistics, but in a tutoring session you can talk about those subjects as much as you want, and the students are interested in what you have to say. It is also inspiring to see the students' courage as they work through their confusion and frustration to find and understand the solutions to the problems. Every once in a while, I get a new problem that I have not seen before, and I get to personally go through the cycle of confusion, frustration, and final victory as I wrack my brain trying to solve the problem. Those are the questions I remember the best.”
Bachelors in Physics from University of California-Los Angeles. After college, I became a naval officer and taught heat transfer and fluid flow at the Naval Nuclear Power School.
For fun:
Computer programming, Reading, Volleyball
Si D.
Chemistry, Physics
Loves tutoring because:
“I have a real appreciation for the opportunity to make a one to one contribution to achievement and to understanding science and the beauty of how life, our world, and the universe works. Tutoring gives me the reward of daily contact with students.”
Bachelors in Engineering from United States Naval Academy. Now am in retirement after decades of teaching in boarding and day schools.
For fun:
Gardening, Web surfing
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