
Military Science programs aim to prepare students for careers in the United States Army. Should you choose to major in Military Science, you’ll be taking traditional university courses while learning how to foster soldier-citizen relationships in an academic setting. Your training in a Military Science program includes familiarizing yourself with leadership roles, American history, ethics, and military law. There are also several field components: you’ll be participating in rifle shooting, obstacle courses, rappelling, and many other outdoor activities. During your college experience you’ll be working to improve your physical fitness as well as your leadership skills. Generally, many activities are held outside the university, such as visiting actual battlefields or studying in other Army-run programs like Airborne and Air Assault training.


  • Applied Leadership

  • Ethics & Military Law

  • Field Training Exercises

  • Leadership Skills

  • Logistics

  • Management Skills

  • Military Management

  • Military Roles and National Objectives

  • Physical Fitness

  • Staff Operations

  • Writing Memoranda

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Since participating in a Military Science program most often includes taking traditional courses, English, political science, or philosophy will give you a good foundation on which to build. Also, Military Science programs usually require proficiency in writing, American history, and computer skills, so any courses related to these fields will be valuable.