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Students at Delaware State University have access to fortyfour bachelor’s degree programs, organized into four colleges and seventeen academic departments; Kinesiology, Criminal Justice, and Mass Communications are three of the most popular majors. The school has campuses in both Wilmington and Georgetown, as well as two farm properties in the state; its Airway Science program also maintains a fleet of planes and base of operation at a nearby air park. Though each academic pathway ultimately leads to a degree, interdisciplinary study is encouraged, and departments often collaborate in forming curriculums and undertaking research. Numerous centers and institutes (including the Center for Integrated Biological and Environmental Research and the Environmental Cooperative Science Center) allow students and faculty members to pursue research, and social science researchers at DSU are currently using data to predict and explain the effects of social and cultural forces on population distribution. The DSU College of Business sponsors an Entrepreneurship Symposium, which is designed to open a dialog as to how entrepreneurship education in sub-Saharan Africa can be made more practical. The Office of Student Success offers academic advising and encourages students to create an Individual Development Plan that will guide them through their four years, and the General Education requirements establish a breadth of knowledge and social ability in students regardless of their major.

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