
Acceptance Rate
Median Undergrad GPA
Accepted Applicants Who Attend

Test Scores

25th-75th percentile
(enrolled students)
154 - 161


Application Deadlines
March 15

Application Process

Rolling Admissions

Application Fee

CAS Service Used

Applicants accepted in terms other than fall

Transfer Applicants Accepted

Deferred Admission
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Other Admission Factors


LSAT Score
Undergraduate GPA
Letters of Recommendation
Essay / Personal Statement

Selectivity Rating

Faculty Information

Total Faculty

Underrepresented Minorities

Students Say

The University of Missouri School of Law, “provides a high-quality legal education at an affordable price.” Its small size, collegial atmosphere and “absolutely outstanding” faculty make Mizzou a “place where you can find all the challenge you want in a law school, without unnecessary stress on top of it.” In the words of one student, “If you want to practice in the state of Missouri, there’s no better place. Our law school consistently produces the future leaders of Missouri.”
Students offer nothing but the utmost praise for their faculty. “The professors are intelligent yet not intimidating; they really care about the students.” They “are leading scholars in their field yet available outside the classroom.” “Although the Socratic Method is used throughout the first year, and often in other classes, it is used effectively, to help teach students to think like lawyers, but not to embarrass them.” Of particular note, one student expresses pleasure in discovering that “classes integrate well with each other, in that professors seem aware of the other classes students are taking, and they draw connections between various fields of the law, thus helping students see how the law comes together.” In the words of one particularly enthusiastic student, “The university is the reason I chose MU School of Law, but the faculty is why I would recommend it to any future students. Go Tigers!”
Similar feelings resonate over the administration. One student shares, “The dean of the law school teaches one of my classes. That’s probably one of the coolest things about the law school—everyone is so attainable. The administration knows me, and probably every other student in the school, and they genuinely do have our best interests in sight.” An older student returning to school after having a family, remarks, “The administration and professors are willing to work with students when those pesky issues of life come along and interfere with the school schedule.” Another fan declares, “Law school is hard, MU made it easier.”
Academically, students are challenged “within the comfort of a community.” Students appreciate “the rigor and intensity of the curriculum” and especially call attention to Mizzou’s noteworthy program in alternative dispute resolution. However, of greatest frustration to students are course offerings that conflict with scheduling. One student explains, “Although the course catalog offers a nice variety, students sometimes will have only one opportunity to take a particular class during their student careers, since some 2L/3L classes are offered only every other year.” Unfortunately, the wait for in-demand classes can range from a semester to a year, depending on availability.
Career services receive mixed reviews. One student feels that “Career Services does an excellent job with the top 25 percent of the class, but the other three-fourths [of students]could use more attention, in my opinion.” Another agrees, remarking that “the career development services are probably the most deserving of attention.” Specifically, some feel that “the Career Office could do a better job attracting employers from more geographical areas.” Fortunately, it appears that Career Services is addressing some of these issues; as one student reports, due to recent changes, “Career Services has done a much better job at providing job and internship opportunities for the students.”
While instructional technology is current, the facilities have some shortcomings. “The classrooms do not have electrical outlets, which makes it difficult to take notes on a computer when you have class for four hours straight.” As a result, “students are commonly seen lugging around extension cords” with them on campus. Additionally, students feel that “physical facilities are starting to show their age and need to be remodeled.”
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Career overview

Pass Rate for First-Time Bar Exam
Median Starting Salary
% of graduates who are employed within ten months of graduation
% of job accepting graduates providing useable salary information

Career Services

On campus summer employment recruitment for first year JD students

On campus summer employment recruitment for second year JD students

# of Employers that Recruit on Campus Each Year

Employers who most frequently hire graduates
Missouri law firms of all sizes; state (Missouri) and federal governmental agencies; prosecutors' offices; public defenders' offices; public interest organizations; accounting firms; title, bank, and real estate development; insurance companies; corporations; federal & state judges, both inside and outside the State of Missouri.

Graduates Employed by Area

Private Practice
Judicial Clerkships
Public Interes

Graduates Employed by Region

South West
New England

Prominent Alumni

Claire McCaskill
US Senator

Jay Nixon
Governor of Missouri

Judge Ann Covington
Missouri Supreme Court (first woman of Missouri Supreme Court)

Judge Robin Ransom
Missouri Supreme Court (first -- and only -- Black woman on Missouri Supreme Court)

Andrew Bailey
Attorney General of Missouri


Financial Aid Rating
Mar 1

Expenses per Academic Year

In-State Tuition
Out-Of-State Tuition
Estimated On-Campus Room and Board
Estimated Off-Campus Room and Board
Estimated Cost for Books / Academic Expense

Student Body Profile

Total Enrollment

Campus Life

Students Say

“Mizzou is a great place for law school, the vast majority of people get along well with everyone else, and we all socialize together as well.” “As [for] social life—you can get exactly what you want out of it. If you want to be involved, you got it. If you want to be a hermit and just come in for class,” go ahead. “It is an environment that allows people to be flexible with their time, but it is also demanding in a sense that it has the proper time constraints to get people motivated.” “Furthermore, Columbia is a great city, and the law school is right in the heart of campus with easy access to the recreation center as well as all of the amenities of downtown.”
The degree of competition varies depending on who you ask. One student notes, “The thing I like best about this school is that very few individuals are worried about hiding books from each other in the library in order to get that cutthroat best grade.” Another explains, “Students are friendly, but not shy about competition. We are here to learn how to be good lawyers, not to tear each other up.” “MU is not a lovefest though; people are here because they want to succeed.”
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More Information

% of Classrooms with Internet Access

Admissions Office Contact

JR Swanegan
Assistant Dean, Enrollment Management and Financial Aid

103 Hulston Hall
Columbia, MO 65211



Articles & Advice