
Philosophy majors like the big questions. Why are we here? How should one act? What is man's true nature? They like to read difficult books by writers like Plato, Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel, and Kierkegaard.

Seriously, Philosophy majors are critical thinkers who leave no stone unturned, no thought unexplored. They pick up where Socrates left off, trying to figure out what it means to be human by asking hard questions (e.g., “Why believe in God? And for that matter, why not?”) and doing their best to answer them clearly and logically. Everything, and we do mean everything, falls into their realm of inquiry.

Philosophy involves more than thinking in abstract terms, for underlying the major is a set of critical and analytical tools that will help you to intellectually engage the world around you. Philosophy majors learn how to construct nearly airtight rational and logical argument, present their thoughts convincingly, and think and respond to difficult questions and situations from various perspectives. As a major you will study Philosophy in all of its different forms, from logic, to ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, and the history of Philosophy. Oh, and by the time you graduate, you'll be able to argue circles around your friends.


  • 17th Century Philosophy

  • 18th Century Philosophy

  • Ancient Philosophy

  • Ethical Theory

  • Metaphysics

  • Philosophy of Language

  • Philosophy of Law

  • Philosophy of Mind

  • Political and Social Philosophy

  • Symbolic Logic

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Since few high schools offer their students the opportunity to study Philosophy, it's important to have a strong background in the humanities, including English, history, and social studies. Math classes are also extremely helpful for those who have in interest in studying the logical aspects of Philosophy. Taking introductory Philosophy courses at a local college or university is also a great way to see if this is the right major for you.